Patient Involvement


The Hadleigh Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) 

Would you like to have more of a voice at your GP Practice?

Would you like to have a better understanding of how the practice is run?

We act as the patients 'Voice' in seeking to influence the service which the GP Practice gives to its community. We consult with the GP Practice on the development and provision of the community needs. We contribute to and are kept informed of GP Practice decisions.

To find out more about the PPG please visit the Hadleigh Practice Patient Participation Group page

Research in the practice

The Hadleigh Practice engages in some research studies that we think will be beneficial to our patients and the wider patient population. This is carefully managed to ensure patient consent and confidentiality.

Further information regarding our data management

The Hadleigh Practice also contributes to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) – Supplying pseudonymised patient data supporting vital public health research

Further information on the Clincial Practice Research Datalink

Current research study

Athena Shingles Study

This Surgery is supporting the Athena shingles study.

We want to find out if taking amitriptyline can prevent the persistent pain that some people get after shingles.

Are you 50 years or older and recently got shingles? You may be able to take part, ask your GP.

Friends and Family Test: Have Your Say

You will receive a text message following any appointment with us with questions sking you about your satisfaction with our service. If you prefer to provide this information to us on paper, please ask at reception.